This exciting, state-licensed, program covers after-school hours. Children enrolled in the After School Adventure program are picked up at dismissal time from all of the local public and the Catholic elementary schools in our 15 passenger vans.
They're then transported back to CCC for a safe, fun and educational after-school experience. They're fed a nutritious snack, offered homework assistance, and have lots of hands-on activities for choice time until parents pick them up by 5:40. WHENEVER the weather allows, outdoor play is also an option
CCC is closed any time that school is out for holiday reasons. However, if you're in need of care on TOOSA Days or Spring Break - be sure to check out the pages for each of those options.
Students that are enrolled in After-School Adventure have the option of enrolling in any or all of these other school-year programs. They also have the first option to keep their spots for our immensely popular SUMMER SAFARI.
Dates: August-May
School-day - 2:45-5:40
Full days - 7:45-5:30 (need sack lunches)
Rates: Vary slightly by school - Please contact us for current rate information.